The African Heritage Collection (By O. Kwabla) was started in 1987. A village boy from a small town area called Yendi in Ghana decided to immigrate to the United States. Along with his few personal belongings, Mr. Kwabla brought along his African heritage to preserve amongst the family he would raise here in the US. Today, presented is the African Heritage Graduation Collection. The Class Stole was personally designed Mr. Kwabla himself, and it seeks to continue on a legacy made many generations ago. "It doesn't matter where you, where you live, what you do or whom you decide to assimilate with. As long as you remember your roots, and respect where your ancestors came from; then you are succeeding at this thing we call life." Not only is the design right, but the price is also right. The African Heritage Collection was created for the graduating college student who understands the value of their hard-earned dollar. The African Heritage Collection is a value-based line. It features the "Kente" cloth alongside celebrating the graduation of a young adult's life. Choose Items From Those You Can Trust